FAR Clients

FAR’s clients come from throughout the wider community, reflecting its diversity in ethnicity, faith, and age. Along with their families and caregivers, these clients make FAR a safe place where differences are valued and even small achievements are celebrated. Please take a moment to meet some of the people who make FAR the caring community it is.




Having endured multiple traumas as a child, Azia suffered in solitude for years, tormented by lingering fears. At FAR, she found caring therapists who helped her explore and give voice to complex emotions through her own, unique language – that of music and dance.

When her childhood therapy cat, Angel, died, FAR music and movement therapists collaborated to support Azia as she composed and choreographed a musical memorial. Through this deeply moving journey, she expressed her grief over the loss of the one companion who had brought her needed comfort, and imagined that Angel had become an actual Angel who still watched over her Today, Azia is able to move forward and continue to grow.




Sarah was excluded from her school’s choir in the state choral competition because she could not read music. When her mom shared this with FAR, her therapist helped Sarah unlock her ability to learn to read music. As a result, Sarah was able to represent her school in the state’s competition.


Truskowski Family


FAR has designed programs that allow family members to be included in therapy. This inclusion provides great emotional support for the person with special needs and helps the whole family understand and enjoy them more.

According to mom Julie, “Being engaged in Seb’s growth process brings our whole family pride, joy and reason to celebrate. When Seb was diagnosed with Williams Syndrome at 3, we were sad and worn out with worry. That all changed the day we walked into FAR.”




Thanks to FAR, Tamar discovered that he communicates best through music — and he is passionate about it. This discovery has helped him find fulfillment at home, through work and in virtually every aspect of his life.




Leo, was only 7 years old when he first stepped on the stage at The Seligman Performing Arts Center. His first performance required the whole audience’s support.

Prior to Leo’s performance, the audience was asked to not applaud as Leo who has autism is highly sensitive to “noise”. Instead they were asked to give a thumbs up sign. Now, thanks to FAR, seven years later Leo performs beautifully and delights in the applause, cheers, whistles, and yells of encouragement from his fans.




People with special needs have the same kinds of dreams and aspirations anyone has. What they often don’t have is a safe place where they can reach for those dreams. FAR provides that place. “Thanks to FAR, Michele’s artistic ability and confidence have both grown,” says her mother, Linda. “She just loves FAR.”




 “FAR therapists understand Juan in a way no one else does. He struggles to express himself, so people tend to underestimate his abilities…”

“…But he is very curious and is easily frustrated when he’s not learning new things. FAR therapists challenge him to grow and he just loves it. There is no place else like it.”
— Peggy, Juan’s mother

Not only has Juan learned piano, tap dancing and computers, he’s joined the band, made friends, and shown everyone around how much he has to offer. FAR therapists know how to tap into his curiosity and challenge him to constantly reach out for more in life – and achieve it.


Emanuel and Kiera


“I was so excited to hear about FAR because I thought my children would never be able to receive this type of help and support.”
— Emmanuel and Kiera’s mother, LaDre

Caring for her two autistic children, Emmanuel, age three and Kiera, age five, as well as her aging mother, makes working full time impossible for Southwest Detroit resident LaDre. So money is tight and quality treatments for her children are financially out of reach. That’s why she was so excited to discover that scholarships were available for her children to participate in FAR music therapy at Orchestra Hall.




When Jennifer was born, doctors advised her parents that she would not live. As a toddler, they said she would never walk. As a child, they said she would have learning difficulties.

At age eight, Jennifer began drama therapy at FAR and later received her high school diploma and attended college. Jennifer then began acting professionally in TV shows and commercials and will make her film debut next spring in Disney’s Magic Camp. Today, she continues dramatic art therapy at FAR—now focusing on her passion for puppets to advance both her career and fulfill her potential in all aspects of her life.

“FAR opens more doors than any other place we have seen, including providing financial help. Without that, I am not sure how we could give Jennifer this opportunity. I guess it would mean something else would have to go.”

— Jennifer’s mother, Carolyn